Increasing importance of brand interaction. Food manufacturers do not keep up with current requirements

In today’s digital age, consumers are increasingly seeking interaction and engagement with the brands they support. These individuals desire to have input in the products and services provided by these brands, and believe that they can influence the brand’s strategy through their participation and feedback. This trend is particularly evident in the food industry, where consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impacts of their food choices. As a result, food manufacturers are under pressure to keep up with the current requirements of their customers and deliver not only high-quality products, but also meaningful brand experiences. According to FMCG Gurus’ consumer insights from 2022, 58% of global consumers under the age of 35 follow a food or drink brand on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. When asked why they do this, 52% said it was to watch visual content and 41% said it was to learn about brand-related events.
However, it seems that many food manufacturers are struggling to meet these expectations, falling short in their efforts to build meaningful connections with their customers. In this article, we will explore the increasing importance of brand interaction in the food industry and discuss why some manufacturers are failing to keep up with current requirements.

What is Brand Interaction

Brand interaction refers to the various ways in which consumers can engage with a brand beyond just purchasing its products. This can include activities such as:

  • Leaving reviews or ratings on a brand’s website or social media platforms
  • Participating in social media campaigns or contests
  • Attending brand-sponsored events or workshops
  • Subscribing to a brand’s newsletter or loyalty program
  • Giving feedback through surveys or focus groups

By actively participating in these interactions, consumers feel more connected to the brand and are more likely to develop brand loyalty. This is especially true for consumers who are looking for products that align with their values and worldview.
Effective brand interaction goes beyond just providing customers with a way to give feedback or participate in contests. It involves building a two-way relationship with consumers, where the brand listens and responds to their needs and preferences. This can involve personalized communication and marketing, as well as offering unique experiences and opportunities for engagement. For example, a clothing brand might offer a custom design service, or a beauty brand might host virtual makeover sessions. By providing value beyond just the product itself, brands can create a deeper connection with their customers and foster brand loyalty.
In addition to increasing customer satisfaction, brand interaction can also help a brand gather valuable insights and data. By gathering feedback and input from customers through various channels, brands can gain a better understanding of their target market and tailor their offerings accordingly. This can help a brand stay relevant and meet the evolving needs of its customers.
In fact, brand engagement is a key factor in establishing and sustaining a successful brand in the current market. By actively engaging with customers and creating meaningful experiences, brands can not only increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, but also gather valuable insights and data to inform their strategy.

Brand Interaction in the food industry

But what exactly is brand interaction, and why is it so important in the food industry? Simply put, brand interaction encompasses the various methods by which consumers can interact with a brand beyond simply buying its products. By actively participating in these interactions, consumers feel more connected to the brand and are more likely to develop brand loyalty. This is particularly relevant for consumers who seek products that align with their values and perspective. In the food industry, where consumers are becoming increasingly concerned with issues such as sustainability and animal welfare, brand interaction can be a key factor in driving purchasing decisions. FMCG Gurus’ data reveals that 30% of customers use social media to learn about a brand’s sustainability policies, highlighting the tendency of young adults to research the ethical and environmental practices of brands.
In the food industry, brand interaction is particularly important for several reasons. First, food is a necessity, but it is also an emotional and personal choice for many consumers. People often have strong feelings about what they eat and the values they associate with different types of food. By providing opportunities for brand interaction, food manufacturers can tap into this emotional connection and build a loyal customer base.
Second, the food industry is facing increasing competition and changing consumer demands. With the rise of plant-based and alternative protein options, as well as growing concerns about sustainability and animal welfare, food manufacturers need to be able to adapt and respond to these changing trends. By engaging with customers through brand interaction, food manufacturers can stay informed about these trends and tailor their products and marketing accordingly.
Finally, brand interaction can also help food manufacturers stand out in a crowded market. With so many options available to consumers, it can be challenging for a brand to differentiate itself from the competition. By offering unique experiences and opportunities for engagement, food manufacturers can create a deeper connection with their customers and build brand loyalty.
To summarize, brand interaction is a crucial aspect of success for food manufacturers. By actively engaging with customers and creating meaningful experiences, food manufacturers can not only increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, but also stay informed about changing consumer trends and stand out in a crowded market.

Case study

One example of a food manufacturer successfully implementing brand interaction is the plant-based protein company Beyond Meat. Beyond Meat has a strong presence on social media, where it regularly engages with its customers through contests, polls, and other interactive campaigns. For example, the company recently ran a contest on Instagram where it asked followers to share their favorite recipes using Beyond Meat products. This not only helped to promote the brand’s products, but also provided an opportunity for customers to share their own experiences and creativity with the brand.
Beyond Meat also offers a loyalty program called the Beyond Insider program, which rewards customers for their purchases and engagement with the brand. Members of the program receive exclusive discounts, behind-the-scenes access, and other perks. This not only incentivizes customers to continue purchasing Beyond Meat products, but also helps to build a sense of community and connection with the brand.
Overall, Beyond Meat’s use of brand interaction has been effective in building a loyal customer base and staying relevant in a rapidly-changing market. By actively engaging with customers and offering unique experiences, the company has been able to differentiate itself from its competitors and stay connected with its target market.

Read about another way to maximize the value of products

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of consumers wanting to interact with food and drink brands in virtual reality, or the “metaverse.” In fact, according to a recent survey, 67% of consumers stated that they would like to interact with food and drink brands via the metaverse, and 69% of consumer under the age of thirty-five agreed with the statement that the concept of the metaverse is attractive. But what exactly is the metaverse, and how can food and drink brands leverage this technology to increase brand interaction and engagement?
The metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space, including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented realities, and the internet. In other words, it is a virtual world that is accessed through the internet and can be experienced in real-time by multiple users. The metaverse has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with brands and each other, offering new opportunities for communication, collaboration, and creation.

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In conclusion, it is clear that brand interaction is becoming increasingly important in the food industry and beyond. Consumers, particularly younger adults, are seeking out meaningful experiences and ways to engage with brands that interest them. The virtual world, or metaverse, offers new opportunities for brands to create alternative universes enable virtual travel, and engage in gaming and other live events, such as sports and music. By embracing these new technologies and investing in strategies that bring about a new level of interaction and engagement, food manufacturers and other brands can build a loyal customer base and stay relevant in an increasingly competitive market. Brands that are early adopters of the metaverse will have a significant advantage in building strong, lasting relationships with their customers.

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Increasing importance of brand interaction. Food manufacturers do not keep up with current requirements
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