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Dragon fruit (Pitahaya)
Product description
Depending on the variety, the fruit has white, pink or deep red flesh and can grow up to 1 kg in weight.
Product composition
Producer Description
The “Ostrov chutí” Farm is located on the Canary Island of La Palma and is dedicated to the organic cultivation of dragon fruit, mangoes and maracuja. Thanks to the very favourable subtropical climate of this green island and the organic way of cultivation, we produce fruit that stands out for its sweetness and great taste.
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Nutrition Facts
Nutritional value per 100g
(% Daily Value*)
*% of Reference intake of an average adult (8400kJ / 2000kcal)
Dragon fruit
“The dragon fruit (Pitahaya or pitaya, also known as dragon fruit) is a tropical climbing cactus whose shoots can grow up to six metres long and plants can weigh up to several hundred kilograms. The flowers develop only at night, and for this special feature and for their beauty they are called queens of the night or moonflowers. The fruits are interesting for their unusual shape, with white, pink or deep red flesh depending on the variety, and can grow up to 1 kg in weight.
Dragon fruit has a number of health benefits, including the ability to aid weight loss, improve digestion, lower cholesterol, boost the immune system and increase energy levels. It also helps prevent cancer and heart disease, and defends the body against bacteria and fungi.”
The best of La Palma!
La Palma is one of the seven volcanic Canary Islands surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of Africa.
Its location, stable weather, abundant rainfall and sunny days have created ideal conditions for growing a wide variety of plants.
If you love healthy food and organic food, where else would you find a healthier environment than on a sunny island in the middle of the Atlantic! Thanks to traditional practices and respect for the environment, La Palma was declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2002!
Read more about the island in the short article La Palma – Isla Bonita.
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Source: ostrovchuti.cz