All about Vitamin B3 (PP) in theses

There is one special vitamin in the group of B vitamins. It is vitamin PP, which exists in two forms: niacin and nicotinic acid. The therapeutic properties have some differences. Although each form satisfies the body’s needs in full. By comparison, niacin is more suitable in the treatment of diabetes, osteoporosis. Nicotinic acid is a vitamin B3, effective in nervous and mental activity, skin diseases.
The organic substance is very important for the female body, as well as for avitaminosis and changes in the body. What is its peculiarity? What useful properties does it have?

General description

Vitamin PP was first named in the United States when the disease pellagra was rampant. It is an avitaminosis, manifested by severe stool disorder, central nervous system disorders, lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, problems with falling asleep, limb tremors, irritability to sounds and bright lights.
Later, specialists managed to extract the substance from yeast, and prove that it is able to normalize cholesterol levels, improve blood parameters, and cure gout. The discovery was a sensation, because the physiological role of vitamin B3 is enormous, because the body is not able to produce it on its own.
Now niacin is used in food production. It is known as a useful food supplement.

So what does vitamin B3 do?
B3 is involved in almost all oxidative reactions. Its deficiency causes not only avitaminosis, but also early aging, joint problems, heart problems, hormonal changes and other problems.
Nicotinic acid has an oily consistency. Easily soluble in acetic acid, liquids, alcohols. The substance tolerates temperature changes, sunlight, has the ability not to be destroyed by gastric hydrochloric acid. It is synthesized by intestinal microflora.

Useful properties

Nicotinic acid is unique in its usefulness. The functions of vitamin B3 are incredibly diverse.

Let’s list the main ones.

  • Niacin is an important component for controlling normal cholesterol levels.
  • Helps in the treatment of inflammatory-infectious diseases.
  • Increases immune strength.
  • Improves vision.
  • Vitamin PP normalizes digestive, fat and metabolic processes.
  • Improves bowel motility and peristalsis, normalizes the disturbed balance of microflora.
  • Inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
  • Helps to keep in shape, thanks to a stable metabolism.
  • Cleanses the body and the circulatory system.
  • Prevents the development of varicose veins.
  • Promotes rejuvenation of the body, prevents the aging process.
  • A positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver.
  • Reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood, the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
  • Relieves migraines, headaches.
  • Regulates acid-base balance.
  • Beneficial effect on the heart and vascular system.
  • As a preventive agent, it prevents complications after surgery, chronic diseases.
  • Most patients with diabetes know that nicotinic acid helps to reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Regulates the activity of the central nervous system.
  • Improves the absorption of macro and micronutrients.
  • Helps in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis – due to the normalization of digestive processes.
  • Protects the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from negative influences.
  • It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, tonic, antioxidant, regenerating, antiseptic, wound healing properties.
  • For women, the benefits of nicotinic acid is extremely important, thanks to the substance normalizes hormonal levels, adjusted reproductive function.
  • It supports the mucous membranes of the internal organs and the mouth in a normal state.
  • Takes part in the formation of hemoglobin.
  • Dilates blood vessels, including small ones. Its deficiency can cause cerebral hemorrhage.
  • Indicated in diseases of the liver, pancreas, and urogenital system.
  • A recognized aphrodisiac, which increases sex drive.
  • Indicated for increased emotional and physical stress, nervous exhaustion.
  • It prevents the development of atherosclerosis, gout, and other diseases of the joints.

Scientific studies have shown that those who regularly take vitamin complexes with nicotinic acid are less prone to cancer. By adding foods rich in vitamin PP to your menu, you can greatly improve your health and appearance.

Food sources of vitamin B3

A proper diet should include balanced foods rich in macro and micronutrients and vitamins. To ensure that vitamin PP is constantly supplied to the body, you need to know what foods contain nicotinic acid. If you choose responsibly, the body will receive the substance in sufficient amounts.

Read more about the balancing diet

Foods rich in nicotinic acid:

– Legumes (lentils, peas, soybeans, beans);
– By-products (liver, stomach, kidneys, lungs);
– live yeast;
– Rye bakery products;
– sunflower seeds;
– almond nuts;
– red meat;
– vegetables (carrots, potatoes);
– pistachios; pine nuts;
– apples;
– fish (trout, tuna, salmon);
– poultry;
– sprouted wheat grains;
– dried fruits.

Foods rich in nicotinic acid: peanuts, chicken and turkey meat, beef by-products, cod, wheat bran. Peanuts contain the most vitamin PP, but the product should be of high quality, because of the risk of infection with fungi that cause severe intoxication.

How much to consume per day

The recommended amount of nicotinic acid per day depends on age, physical exertion, concomitant diseases, and nervous overexertion. Daily allowance of vitamin PP for a healthy person is 20 mg.
Lack of vitamin PP is not only the cause of hypovitaminosis, but also the disease pellagra.

You should also pay attention to the following symptoms:

– Unreasonable headaches;
– decreased physical activity;
– chronic constipation;
– mental disorders;
– skin ulcers;
– trouble falling asleep;
– limb tremors;
– decreased immunity;
– lack of appetite;
– digestive disorders.

It is important to know that the absorption of niacin interferes with sugar, carbonated drinks, antibiotics. Often the lack of the substance is experienced by people who adhere to strict diets.

Excess of vitamin B3 in the body

Hypervitaminosis of vitamin PP is fraught with some consequences. If there is too much, a person feels dizzy, rashes appear on the skin. Blood pressure begins to drop, and numbness of the extremities is felt.
It is not possible to overdose by eating food, only by taking drugs containing nicotinic acid.
Despite its benefits, nicotinic acid can cause harm. This manifests as:

  • Allergic reaction (rashes, itching, ulcers on the mucous membranes);
  • Duodenal ulcer, stomach;
  • gastritis with elevated levels of hydrochloric acid.

Such symptoms occur with uncontrolled intake of active dietary supplements. There are also contraindications to the intake of drugs. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
Nicotinic acid interacts with almost all B vitamins. Proper use promotes the stable functioning of all organs and body systems.

Read about other B vitamins on our blog

All about Vitamin B3 (PP) in theses

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